Archive | October, 2014


Audi and Friends Plot to Bring Carbon Fiber Cost Down

Is it just us, or do automakers love the word “consortium”? Right up there with “performance,” “world-class,” and “wheels” we have to read this week about how Audi is joining something that rhymes with “smooshmortium” and is dedicated to bringing the cost of carbon fiber down 90 percent within six years. If it was a […]

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How Automakers Are Creating Stronger Data Security

We use our smartphones a lot. Checking email, texting friends, scheduling time together—these are just a few of the many ways that technology is improving our lives. Our cars, too, are offering more technologies to keep up with the times. But one of the big challenges that technology faces is security. 2014 will likely be […]

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Audi Looks To Expand RS Models in North America

If you’re a performance automaker facing increasing CO2 and pollution restrictions, what do you do? For Audi, the response is to forge ahead with RS models and as Jeff Goldblum’s character in Jurassic Park said, “Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, find a way.” This is basically what Audi’s RS captain, Heinz Peter Hollerweger, recently […]

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