Archive | Tutorials

handle a car fire

How to Safely Handle a Car Fire

The only place you ever want to see flames coming from your car is the tail pipe. Anywhere else is bad news. Car fires, while relatively rare, are incredibly dangerous. Between 2003 and 2007, there were an average of 287,000 car fires per year, which resulted in 480 civilian deaths, and 1,525 civilian injuries on […]

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How to jump start

How To: Jump Start Your Vehicle

It’s another bright and early morning and you wake up feeling ready to tackle the world. You fly through your morning routine and climb into your car 15 minutes ahead of schedule, which means you’ll have time for a donut – yes! You turn the key, and – nothing. You turn it again in disbelief […]

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Simple and Essential Tire Maintenance Tips

Tire Maintenance You press your foot to your gas pedal, opening the throttle and allowing air to flow into your engine. Your car’s computer signals the fuel injectors to send fuel to meet that air, and this mixture is then sent into the pistons for combustion. Here, the fuel is converted into power and transferred to […]

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